Less than seven seconds. That is how long a hiring manager spends scanning a resume for the first time. In a pile of resumes, yours needs to quickly stand out to hotel hiring managers. For this, a hotel management resume needs to be visually clean and only include valuable information. So what information are hiring managers looking for? And what would they rather not see? Here is what our recruiters recommend:
DO Provide a Brief Summary
In two or three sentences, summarize yourself as a hospitality professional. This is not a place to state what you are looking for in your career. Instead, focus on what you have to offer to a potential employer’s team and bottom line.
DON’T Share Your Life Story
An already busy hiring manager does not have time to read a novel. Your high school GPA, your love of hiking, and who you know are not relevant at this point of the hiring process.
DO Give the Right Details
Be smart about what details you provide and tailor each resume to the specific job you are applying for. Make any details clear and accurate. Double-check all your employment dates, property names, sizes, and management companies. If it is relevant to the opportunity, share any duties that would be unique to the role at that particular company.
DON’T Include Every Tiny Duty
While you want to give a hiring manager a clear scope of what your experience looks like, more is not always better. The duties of, say, a Food and Beverage Manager, are already familiar to any hotel hiring manager, so there is no need to share the entire job description.
DO List Accomplishments
Employers want to see results. What you accomplished in your previous roles shows future employers how you can contribute to their team. Be sure any accomplishment listed can be backed up by numbers or credentials.
DON’T Embellish or Exaggerate
A resume needs to be based on facts. If your resume misleads the hiring manager about your experience, the truth will eventually come out.
DO Keep it Short and Sweet
Two pages should be the maximum length of any hotel management resume. Remember to share only the information relative to the opportunity and don’t be tempted to cram in extra information using tiny fonts, multiple columns, or non-existent margins.
DON’T Skip Spellcheck
Not only is it distracting for a hiring manager to have to decipher a poorly written resume, but it also reflects poorly on you as a professional.
DO Embrace Digital
The recruiting process is almost entirely online for many companies, so having a professional web presence is essential. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is updated and add the link to your resume. Also, have your resume ready to send in multiple formats (PDF, Word, HTML etc) so it is compatible with any application process.
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