As Millennials enter the hospitality industry in increasing numbers and become a larger part of your customer base, it’s important to adapt. Millennials bring a lot to the business world, but learning what motivates them and how they work best can ensure you get the most from them.
Leverage Technology.
Using technology and social media can be the best way to attract and retain younger employees. Millennials tend to be engaged in social media and rely heavily on mobile technology to stay engaged. Update social media accounts regularly. Provide a job application that can be completed on a smart phone.
Mix It Up.
Don’t let Millennials get bored. Cross-train and solicit input from them. Younger people come into the business with a new way of thinking and seeing things. They can help you innovate and come up with ideas that attract new customers – particularly those in their age group.
Promote Loyalty.
The notion of spending a career at one company was history before most Millennials were born. Having seen their parents suffer through downsizing and unemployment makes them less likely to trust employers to have their best interests at heart. Keeping them engaged and taking their input seriously can keep them invested in the company for the long term.
Encourage Collaboration.
Many younger candidates grew up participating in teams and clubs and may still enjoy working in groups. Give them the chance to bounce ideas off their peers to develop solutions for business challenges and find ways to innovate.
Offer Flexibility.
Hospitality is one of the most flexible career choices. Depending on where you work, you can choose a 9-5 job, a graveyard shift or a schedule that can fit around school or family obligations. Communicate this selling point to Millennials in your recruiting efforts to attract them to the field.
Provide Educational Opportunities.
Give employees the chance to continue their education or offer additional on-the-job training. Millennials are accustomed to having information at their fingertips and often welcome chances to learn new things.
Count on the experts at Horizon Hospitality to attract and retain talented Millennials. We offer access to hotel and restaurant candidates with the skills and ambition to move your business forward. Call us today to get started.