A little friendly rivalry between the front and back of the house is to be expected – even welcome. But when it begins to have a negative impact on daily restaurant operations, it’s time to bring the two sides together and remind them of the importance of working together.
Hold Regular Staff Meetings.
Meet at the beginning of each shift to taste specials and discuss any issues that may arise. Bring the whole team together regularly to remind them that everyone is working toward the common goal of providing great food and a positive customer experience.
Take the time to teach employees the pros and cons of each co-worker’s position. Let them shadow other team members if possible and allow them to walk in each other’s shoes. Understanding each other’s challenges will go a long way towards instilling empathy and cooperation.
Assign a Go-Between.
Someone – often the expeditor – should balance between the front and back of the house as a liaison. This person can be a resource for employees who have issues to address or need the advice of a neutral third party.
Remove Disruptive Elements.
The restaurant industry tends to attract passionate people. Add long hours and a fast-paced environment to that and you have a recipe for drama. But drama can go too far. If you have an employee who is constantly complaining or gossiping or who can’t get along with co-workers, they can poison the whole staff and sew discontent. A restaurant staff can be like a family, but unlike family you can chose your employees. Replace problem employees quickly before you lose good people who tire of the workplace tension.
Set Up Systems
Focus on efficiency to create consistent methods of getting things done. When employees understand what each person’s responsibilities are, what is expected of them, and how things are done, there is no second-guessing that can cause disagreements or slow things down during a busy service.
Need help building your restaurant team? Contact the experts at Horizon Hospitality. We can help you attract the right people to keep your restaurant ticking like a clock.