Interview Tips for Hospitality Industry Professionals

Congratulations – you’ve been invited in for an interview with a leading hospitality employer.  This opportunity really has potential, and you want to nail the interview.

Now what?

Review this list of tips to make sure you have all your bases covered:

  • Revisit your résumé. Make sure you know dates of employment, responsibilities, professional accomplishments, starting and ending salaries, etc. for each position.
  • Practice your answers to common interview questions, enlisting a friend’s help if necessary.  Common questions include:
  1. How would you describe yourself?
  2. What is your greatest strength/weakness?
  3. How do you define success?
  4. Why do you want to work here?
  5. Why should we hire you?
  • Conduct a self-assessment. Make sure you can clearly communicate your current skills, strengths, weaknesses, motivations, interests and work values.
  • Go online or visit the local library to learn all you can about the company’s mission statement, financials, organizational structure, products and services – so you can speak intelligently about them during the interview.
  • Bring along extra digital and paper copies of your résumé.
  • Select an appropriate outfit, bearing in mind both the position and corporate culture – then dress one notch above what would be expected.  When in doubt, go with a business suit.
  • Call a day or two ahead of time to confirm directions, parking, interview time and interviewers’ names.
  • Do a practice run to make sure you know the route.  See how long it takes to drive there, factoring in rush hour traffic if applicable.
  • Prepare a list of professional and personal references.
  • Bring along a small note pad and a pen – just in case you need to take notes.
  • A day or two after the interview, drop off hand-written thank you notes to each person who interviewed you, thanking him for his time and emphasizing your specific qualifications for the position.

Share Your Experience
What interview questions have stumped you?  We’d like to know.  Leave your comment below, or contact us via e-mail.

Need More Interviewing Help?

We at Horizon Hospitality want to do all we can to help you land the perfect hospitality career opportunity.  If you need assistance or would like additional resources to help hone your interviewing skills, please contact us directly.
