Whether salary negotiations fell through, the work environment was toxic, or your dream opportunity fell into your lap, you’ve decided that your days are numbered with your current employer. You have finally come to the conclusion that it’s time to move on. So how do you handle your last days at your current company?
A poor relationship with a previous employer can haunt your career later. Regardless of how you feel about the company, your boss, or coworkers, do what you can to create a smooth and positive transition for everyone.
How to Time Your Resignation
If you have another opportunity lined up, you may be ready to punch your card and get out fast. Or you may be nervous about the conversation and put it off until the last minute. However, do your employer a professional courtesy and give them sufficient time to begin finding your replacement. While two weeks is the norm, it is not a hard fast rule. Check your employment contract for any termination clauses that may dictate a longer timeline, especially if you are in a hospitality executive role.
How to Tell Your Boss You’re Quitting
You might be tempted to spill the news to your closest work “besties” first, but gossip can spread and create an awkward situation for everyone. As soon as you have decided to leave, request a meeting with your supervisor to let them know. Prepare your reasons for quitting and be as positive as possible about it. Also, prepare for the possibility of receiving a counteroffer (here is our take on how to handle a counteroffer).
How to Write Your Two Weeks’ Notice
Even when you have had the conversation with your direct supervisor, many companies will want an official written two weeks’ notice on file. Simply state your official last day, signal your intent to assist in transitioning yourself out of the role, and express gratitude for the opportunity. This is not the avenue to share grievances.
How to Give Employer Feedback
Many companies will ask how they could have done better as an employer, and may even have a formal exit interview. If you had a less-than-stellar time at the company, tread lightly here. It can be tempting to lambast managers and company policies but remember not to burn bridges. Objectively provide suggestions for a better employee experience, without being hurtful or petty.
How to Keep Professional Doors Open
Stay engaged in your old company’s content on LinkedIn. Depending on your relationship with previous coworkers, holiday cards are also great ways to keep in touch. You can even provide former bosses or coworkers with email updates on your career, sharing how much you appreciate their guidance. If you had a positive experience with your employer, leave an honest review on Glassdoor.
Ask an Experienced Recruiter
Handling a career transition is never easy. An experienced professional on your side who has experience in these situations can help. Our recruiters have helped and advised thousands of hospitality professionals to take the next step in their careers.
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