A recent Indeed poll found that there are three main reasons candidates drop out of hiring processes (or jump ship after their first day). Either they received a better offer elsewhere, they did not like the offer they received, or they did not feel there was enough communication. In this hiring market, these situations aren’t just annoying; they can spiral out of control into a recruitment process that is exhausting for your staff. But, if management can set clear expectations through the process, they can often be avoided. Here’s how:
Prep your Hiring Team
Establish a process and hold the hiring team accountable for it. The longer that a candidate is in the application process, the more likely they are to find another offer elsewhere. Create a timeline that is as short as possible, but still realistic.
To stay on track, all members of the hiring team need to know what qualities they are looking for. Stay diligent in only moving forward with candidates with these qualities and getting feedback promptly after interviews. Then, as soon as your candidate has met all requirements, there is no reason to “sleep” on a decision.
Be Honest With Your Candidates
If candidates are kept in the dark about the process or role, why should they feel obligated to see it all the way through? Even though you want to sell the position in job ads, be wary of overselling. If a candidate gets even the smallest notion that they have been falsely advertised to, you will lose their trust. Let candidates know your recruiting process so they know what to expect. Immediately let them know of any possible delays to decisions. By fostering trust, candidates will in turn be more honest with you about their hesitations or other opportunities.
When a candidate does communicate any concerns with you, do not gloss over them. Ignoring red flags does not make them go away. This just causes bigger problems for both parties down the road.
Keep Existing Teams in the Loop
Employers should not overlook their current team in the recruitment process, even if they are not directly involved in hiring. Leadership should be clear with the team when they are hiring, what skills they are looking for, and what is expected of the role. This creates opportunities for referrals and also keeps staff engaged and feeling valued. Also, if any team members will be involved in onboarding, inform them of expectations so no one is thrown off guard or feels like an impromptu babysitter.
Partner with Recruitment Experts
Sometimes, the toughest part of hiring is getting a solid game plan formulated. It can be especially difficult for small business owners who are juggling recruitment with managing daily operations. Partnering with a recruiter can be the difference between floundering with an understaffed team and flourishing with the top talent. Contact Horizon Hospitality to learn how we can not only build a recruitment plan but execute it as well.