The oldest members of Generation Z are fresh out of college, driven, and ready to make an impact on a business. But they have also already lived through two major economic downturns in their relatively short lives, making them more pragmatic than their Millennial predecessors. Entrepreneurially spirited, they will often have a side hustle, and… Read more »
Tag: Restaurant Management Tips
5 Ways to Spot Restaurant Staff Burnout
With an average turnover rate of 75%, the restaurant industry has always been notorious for churning through workers. But add a pandemic and extra personal stresses, and the risk of losing valuable employees only goes up. Because of this, management should be able to spot the basic signs of burnout in staff: Physical Exhaustion Frequent… Read more »
The Cost Of A Bad Hire And How To Avoid It
A single bad hire can cost an employer up to 30% of the individual’s first year compensation. In the hospitality field, damages can go farther and wider. One bad hire touches so many people – both customers and employees, that there is no telling how far the ripples will extend. Impact of Bad Hires Employees… Read more »
The Customer Is Always Right! Why Choosing Candidates with Good Customer Service Skills Is Key
Happy customers are the lifeblood of the hospitality industry. Satisfied guests return repeatedly and often send their friends. Customers who feel they are not treated well also share their experience, often including negative reviews on social media – which can have an even stronger impact on your business. Hiring people who are customer-focused and have… Read more »
Earning Respect from Your Restaurant Staff
Restaurant industry employees are an interesting group. You have the youngsters who join the crew for a quick buck before moving on to a more corporate job, veterans who enjoy writing their own ticket and choosing their shift. Then there are those who just love everything about the industry; the challenge of creating new dishes… Read more »